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The Sun for Immunity Recovery

lf you could harness the power of the sun to recover from sickness, would you?

Well, you're in luck, because I happen to have knowledge of an immunity booster that your body can create with the power of the sun!


What is it?

It's not quite magic, but close!

I'm talking about Vitamin D

Did you know that Vitamin D is one of the only Vitamins that your body can create without eating it or taking a pill for it?

This right here is the magic that our bodies can do!

With the help of the sun, our bodies can absorb sunlight and process a type of cholesterol, turning it into useable Vitamin D. This Vitamin acts to help boost our immunity, keep our bones healthy, keep blood pressure normal, and absorb Calcium, to name a few things.


How Much Do We Need?

It is recommended that our blood levels should have about 50- 75 nmol/L, or we should be taking in about 800-2000 UI daily... which is difficult to understand without a blood test or extensive micronutrient tracking.


If you are getting about 30 minutes of sun exposure ( with short sleeves, shorts, and not heavy on the sunscreen), and are in the habit of eating foods rich in vitamins, you should easily be able to meet this requirement!


Am I Getting Enough?

Deficiency in Vitamin D is actually more common than you might think. I'm sure many of us have experienced way too many days inside due to the COVID epidemic.

But did you know that certain factors may be preventing you from absorbing sunlight, even if you are getting that 30 minutes of sun daily?

You might have trouble absorbing and metabolizing this vitamin from the sun if you:

  • have a high BMI

  • have a darker skin tone

  • stay indoors most of the time

  • wear heavy sunscreen or clothing when outside

  • have a few more years of life under their belt ( 50+ years old)

  • live somewhere where it's heavy on the winter months (far from the equator)

If you fall into one of these categories, then you might be at an increased risk for Vitamin D deficiency, which can cause rickets, impaired recovery and immunity, osteoporosis, and depression.


What If I'm Not Getting Enough?

Because it is unfortunately common to be deficient in Vitamin D levels, it is good to be aware of foods that also contain types of Vitamin D in them.

Foods rich in Vitamin D include fatty fish like cod, salmon, and mackerel, eggs, UV treated mushrooms, and fortified milks and cheeses.

If you are questioning whether you are deficient or need to consider supplementing, seeing a doctor and taking a blood test to read your levels might be something you want to consider.


Small Habits Make Big Changes

So if you're concerned about not getting enough Vitamin D and sunlight, why not make a few new and good habits ( you'll be knocking out two birds with one stone)?

Adding a daily walk will not only give you sunlight exposure, but it will also help you reduce your weight, increase your heart activity, relax your mind, and get in touch with nature.

Why not choose to move some of your normal daily activities outside? Reading, yoga, working out, doing work on your laptop, watching the kids, and some meal prepping are all things that can be done outdoors.

So get out there! Catch a fish, ride a bike and visit the beach!


So what about you? Do you think you are meeting your needs?

What change can you make today to increase your immunity boosting Vitamin D levels and what are your favorite things to do outside?

Let me know below!

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Unknown member
Aug 31, 2022

Fresh air and sunshine. Humans certainly do not get as much as they used to. But as a lucky retiree who loves plants and gardening, I lavishly get my fair share ❤️❤️❤️


Unknown member
Apr 11, 2021

Tiana, this was a really clever and well written way to explain how to increase Vitamin D through 30 minutes outdoors daily. I have to remember not to wear too heavy clothing outside, so I absorb more Vitamin D.

Really great!


Unknown member
Apr 10, 2021

This so true. I worked in high rise building 12 hours a day. When I went for my checkup I was low in Vitamin D. I had no idea what caused it. The doctor didn’t ask me why so I walked away knowing I was Vitamin D deficient but no knowledge of how to correct the problem. This article explains everything. I did start leaving the building and taking walks. Believe me this is extremely important aspect of health. Very informative. Thanks

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