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Make Today (Not Tomorrow) Your Day 1

Updated: Mar 21, 2021

Many of us have been guilty of procrastination whether it was delaying a work project or even waiting to fill up your gas tank to the last minute (which is way more stressful than doing it earlier!).

The last thing you want to do is wait with your workout and health goals, because "tomorrow" may never come.

Begin Today!

Whether your goal is to loose weight, gain strength, or last longer on a run, start today rather than putting it off.

Try not to rely on something like a temporary New Years resolution, that you may or may not follow through with. Although its a great time to start your ideas, try instead picturing a goal that you can do to help yourself make healthy habits for the long run.


Begin With Baby Steps

You have to be able to crawl before you run! Don't be intimidated by the big picture in your goal. Set a smaller goal first.

If you want to be more flexible, start with 15-20 minutes of daily yoga, rather than committing to a year of daily hours. If you have a weight goal, such as 10 lbs, start by setting yourself to lose one pound a week. If you're trying to get rid of those bad eating habits, start with one focus, like voiding sodas or fried food.

Starting small is a lot less intimidating, and will bring you closer to making good habits.


Your Future Self Will Thank You!

Keep up the good work! If you made that dedication to yourself a week ago, its much better to look back at how many days you have succeeded, rather than thinking of how far you could've gone if you had only started when you said you would.

Don't think you can find the time?

Print and fill out my daily calendar to make fitness a priority in your schedule (sample calendar included).

Are you going to make your health a priority?

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Unknown member
Jun 10, 2023

I am a procrastinater.


Unknown member
Aug 31, 2022

So true. I can’t tell you how many ‘just one more cookie, I will start tomorrow’ times this has happened. Thanks for the cheer.


Unknown member
Apr 07, 2021

The nutrition guide is just what I needed. Very simple but gives you great information. Make sure you don’t miss this.


Unknown member
Mar 15, 2021

I’m bad at filling my gas tank up! You got me there. Great post!

Unknown member
Mar 20, 2021
Replying to

Try filling it when half full! 😉


Unknown member
Mar 11, 2021

I started today 😊

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